Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Pushkar Full Day city tour with Camel Safari

Pushkar Full Day city tour with Camel Safari

About Pushkar -:  Pushkar is a famous pilgrimage place in Rajasthan, where 'Pushkar Mela' is famous every year. It is in Rajasthan's Ajmer district. Here is a temple of Brahma. Pushkar is located at a distance of 14 km from Ajmer city.
Five miles from Ajmer Nagar in the Aravali-class valley in the Indian state of Rajasthan, is a city and local mandi of West Ajmer district. In the vicinity of it, there is the yield of jowar, millet, corn, wheat and sugarcane. It is famous for artistic cottage-textiles, wood painting, and animal trading. Here is the holy Pushkar Lake and there is a sacred temple of Brahma ji in nearby, from which many pilgrims come here every year. In the months of October, November, there is a special religious and trade significance fair. Its religious importance is high. It is located at an altitude of 2,389 feet above sea level. There are many famous temples here, which have been rebuilt after the demolition by Aurangzeb.
Five miles from Ajmer Nagar in the Aravali-class valley in the Indian state of Rajasthan, is a city and local mandi of West Ajmer district. In the vicinity of it, there is the yield of jowar, millet, corn, wheat and sugarcane. It is famous for artistic cottage-textiles, wood painting, and animal trading. Here is the holy Pushkar Lake and there is a sacred temple of Brahma ji in nearby, from which many pilgrims come here every year. In the months of October, November, there is a special religious and trade significance fair. Its religious importance is high. It is located at an altitude of 2,389 feet above sea level. There are many famous temples here, which have been rebuilt after the demolition by Aurangzeb.
Here Kartik Purnima is called Pushkar Fair, which also includes a large number of domestic and foreign tourists. Thousands of Hindu people come to this fair. To make themselves holy, take a bath in Pushkar Lake. Visitors and tourists visit Sri Rang Ji and other temples and receive spiritual benefits.

State administration also gives special importance to this fair. Local administration organizes this fair and art culture and tourism departments present cultural programs on this occasion.

Visit Places
PushkarPalace -: Pushkar palace is one of the most acknowledged palaces in Rajasthan. The famous royal mansion is located 145.

PushkarLake -: Rajasthan has a number of attractions that offers a great experience to the tourists. The various attractions of Rajasthan.

BrahmaTemple -: Rajasthan as a tourist destination is one of the most sought after destinations in the world. The large variety of tourist.

Savitri Temple-: Rajasthan deserves a lot of credit for the thriving Indian tourism industry. Though there are number of attractions.

Saraswati Temple-: Rajasthan currently occupies a significant spot in global tourism. The wide variety of attraction that includes.

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