Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Rajasthan Famous for heritage

Jaipur Famous for food and local market

Jaipur is one of the most popular cities in India, specially known for its royalty, traditions and culture. Apart from these factors, Special food of Jaipur is also something, visitors cannot afford to miss. The well-known special mouth-watering delicious food has its own varieties and taste. So here is a list of 7 famous food which you must try if you are in Jaipur.

Ratan Famous Kulhar Chai Near open Choraha
kulhad, sometimes called a shikora, is a traditional handle-less terracotta cup from North India and Pakistan that is typically unpainted and unglazed, and meant to be disposable. Since kulhars are made by firing in a kiln and are almost never reused, they are inherently sterile and hygienic.Bazaars and food stalls in the Indian subcontinent traditionally served hot beverages, such as tea, in kuhlars, which suffused the beverage with an "earthy aroma" that was often considered appealing Yoghurt, hot milk with sugar as well as some regional desserts, such as kulfi (traditional ice-cream), are also served in kulhars Kulhars have gradually given way to polystyrene and coated-paper cups, because the latter are lighter to carry in bulk and cheaper


The trip to Rajasthan is incomplete without having Dal-Bati-Churma.  A fusion of three separate food, it is a complete supper in itself. It is most popular food of the pink city. Bati is a heated ball produced using flour which is then dipped in ghee and consumed with the dal. Churma is a flaky sweet dish created using flour that runs with the dish. No Rajasthani merry or wedding menu is finished without this famous food.

 Ker Sangri

KerSangri is a dish which originated years back when drought struck Rajasthan.These vegetables are  grow in the extremely hot conditions of Rajasthan and the famine struck families prepared this sabzi along with all the spices and the result was indeed worth it.

Shreenath Lassi Vala

ShreenathLassiwala is very famous in jaipur, if you like lassi (sweet butter milk) and if you are crazy of lassi than you must try lassi to Shreenath Lassiwala. you will definitely appreciate.